
Presenter 3D has an interface for plug-in Animator modules that automate the animation process. An animator module can access all of the object attributes available in the user interface: object position, rotation, scale, surface color, etc.

Specialized Animator modules can perform complex movement, such as walking. The user simply assigns the various Animator functions to the appropriate objects in the model, e. g. left elbow or right foot.

VIDI's general-purpose animator module is called called "Jiggle". It is capable of operating on practically any object attribute.

Using Presenter 3D to Create a Flock of Birds

by Perry B. Marks

This report shows how to use VIDI's Flock Animator Plug-In Module and " object morphing" capabilities to create a realistic flock of geese flying south for the winter.

An MPEG movie of flying geese.

The Horse Animator Project

An animator for galloping horses and other quadrupeds.

Also available: the source code and Code Warrior projects for programmers. (Requires the Animator SDK below).

Angle8 animator

For back-and-forth motions.

VIDI Presenter 3D Animator SDK

This is a software development kit for programmers who wish to create new Animator modules for Presenter 3D. Interfaces are included for MetroWerks and Symantec development environments, using C and Pascal languages.

The SDK is offered "as is" and unsupported.









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