/* don't display page logging info */
/* Mail results to this address */
$TO = "majordomo@vidi.com";
/* This is the mail program we will use - check path on target system */
$MP = "/usr/lib/sendmail -t";
You should receive two messages in reply. One message will contain a confirmation code you must reply with in order to complete the subscription. After your subscription is confirmed, you can send messages to "vidi-list@vidi.com", and they will be forwarded to all of the other subscribers.
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Cancellation request sent! This mail list has been created to allow Presenter 3D users
and other interested folks to talk about VIDI products and other
cool 3D things.
vidi-list - the VIDI mailing list
Send a mail message to vidi-list@vidi.com. You must be a subscriber, or your message will be bounced.
Coming soon!