Report -
MacRenderMan plug-in project
This is not a product announcement, but a status report on an
experimental project to update the VIDI Presenter 3D plug-in module
for MacRenderMan. The module converts the model to a Pixar RIB file,
then submits the file to MacRenderMan for rendering.
This programming for the project is by Doug Ward
based on source code and technical support provided by
VIDI. VIDI will evaluate the module
at a later date to determine if it should be released. The module is
compiled for PowerPC systems only.
Project status as of August 29, 1997
Alpha test projects
- Convert from Think Pascal to Code Warrior C
- Interface to Render Manager, Display Manager, Render Interact
- Replace built-in RIB text routines with calls to Pixar RIB
Client Library
- Camera setup
- Spheres
- Cylinders
- Cones
- Planes
- Discs
- Tori
- Polygons
- Joined-vertex polygons with normals - needs option to turn
smooth shading on/off
- Cubes
- Prisms
- Spline meshes
- Spline patches
- Disc end-caps for cones and cylinders
- Groups
- Background color
- MakeTexture
- Projector Lights
- Fog Atmosphere
- RenderMan surface and displacement shader support
- Shadow bias bug is fixed
- Write RIB only
- Shadows
- Insertion groups
- Motion blur
- Stereo pair
- "Primitive" solid type - Set in Shader Esoterica solid menu
- Object metamorphosis
- ASCII / Binary RIB format
- Background images
- Fixed RenderMan CSG Boolean bugs
- Fixed Displacement Bounds bug
- Texture mapping - mostly working
- Fixed transparency map bug at bottom of texture map
- Add RI_ST values for polygons with three or four vertices
- Remove conversion of feet to inches (division by twelve) Old
models may need adjustment.
- Improve communication between Presenter and MacRenderMan
- Fixed disappearing Shader Esoterica button bug in Presenter
main app
- Composite images from Presenter Ray Tracer and MacRenderMan
Future projects
- Fix ScreenWindow bug for shadowdistant lightsources (clips
- Fix projectorlight problems - rotation doesn't match ray
- Texture wrap on a group of primitives sometimes doesn't match
ray tracer
- Fix background animation project
Discontinued features in old module
- Custom RIB statements in headers and objects (not supported by
RIB Client Library)
- Indention of RIB statements (not supported by RIB Client
Possible future projects
- Environment mapping (lat-long mirror and cube-face
- Add RI_ST values for polygons with more than four vertices
- Calculate (up,at) and (origin,x,y,z) parameters for shaders
- Hierarchical lightsources in folders.
- Optimize parameters for rendering speed (near-clipping plane,
- Allow user-controlled shading rates for Presenter texture
- Shadow controls for lightsource shaders (samples, filter
width, etc.)
- Form endcaps with NURBs and Trim Curves, instead of polygons
- Submit to BMRT renderer (needs built-in FTP, RPC, etc.?)
- Transfer shader parameter dialog routines from Presenter
application to plug-in module
- Folder container for Presenter attributes window (shader
folders, etc.)
- Auto-redraw switch in Presenter, and Command-D manual redraw
in Presenter
- Two-pass RIB generation to insert Custom RIB statements
New feature - smooth shaded polygon
Sample image by Peter Ratner
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