
Using the texmap shader with Presenter 3D

This page describes how to use Presenter 3D and RenderMan for several different texture mapping methods: planar, cylindrical, spherical, and wrapping.

These methods are available in a shader called texmap, included in the standard distribution of MacRenderMan. The maptype parameter is used to set the mapping method. Here are some examples of the texture mapping methods, using the tile16 texture.

Planar mapping - Projects the texture on a plane.

maptype = 0

Cylindrical mapping - Projects the texture from a center axis.

maptype = 1

Spherical mapping - Projects the texture from a central point.

maptype = 2

Standard mapping - Wraps the texture on the surface.

maptype = 3

Auto-mapping - Planar texture projection for polygons.

maptype = 4

The texmap shader is documented in the MacRenderMan release notes, in a file called MRM Shader Notes Part 1. It also uses some functions that are documented in MRM Shader Notes Part 2, documented in the "maps" section. If you want to recompile the shader, you must first compile the "" functions, also included with MacRenderMan.

The main problem with using texmap in Presenter 3D occurs when it writes the RIB file for MacRenderMan. As it outputs the geometric coordinates of each point, it divides the coordinates by twelve to convert feet to inches. This conversion is unnecessary, and complicates the process of setting shader parameters.

This problem can be minimized with a shader based on texmap that automatically scales to the Presenter 3D coordinate system. The new shader is called vidi_texmap.

With the new shader, you can determine the shader coordinate parameters using the XYZ values displayed in Modeler and Presenter, the Object Information windows, the screen rulers, etc.

The vidi_texmap shader has an additional advantage over Presenter's built-in texture mapping system: you can control the Shading Rate for each object to get the best balance of quality and rendering speed. Presenter's built-in texture mapping uses the global shading rate for all objects.

You can download the vidi_texmap package here. It includes the shader and some models to demonstrate the mapping options.

vidi_texmap tutorial

As a tutorial for using vidi_texmap, let's use VIDI Modeler to create a simple scene consisting of a sphere and a cube.


Some of the texture mapping methods need to establish a center point or axis for the projection. We can use Modeler to determine the best center point each object by setting the Rotation Point. Double click on an object to open the Object Information window.

Click on the pop-up menu in the Rotation Point box and select the Center Object(s) item. This will plug the center point into the X, Y and Z fields. We will refer to these values in the Presenter application.



Switch from Modeler to Presenter and open the model.

Double-click on one of the object to open the Object Info window. Note that the Rotation Point set in Modeler is now displayed in the Center X, Y and Z fields (X=-1.5, Y=0.5, Z=0.5).

Next, open the Attributes window and switch the view to "Shaders" in the popup menu. Find the vidi_texmap shader in the list and drag it to the bin in the Object Info window.

Double-click on the vidi_texmap icon in the Object Info window to open the Shader Parameters window. There are four parameters that must be set to establish the center point for texture mapping:

Each parameter is a three-dimensional point. It's easiest to start by entering the same X, Y and Z values into each parameter. The point can be positioning the arrow cursor over the desired point and getting the current coordinates from the X, Y, Z feedback in the upper-right corner. But it is faster and more precise to simply use the Rotation Point values we set earlier in Modeler.

Find the Offset X, Y, Z values in the Object Window, and enter them into the maporigin, xaxis, yaxis and zaxis parameters.

Next, you must modify the axis values to establish the direction of the projection. To start out, it is easiest to simply add 1 to the appropriate field of each axis:

This will align the longitude of the texture along the Z axis. If the camera is positioned in front of the model, you will probably be looking at the top of the texture on the object. This orientation can be changed by swapping the point coordinates of two axes.

The "maptype" value must also be set to indicate the texture mapping method to be used:

The other parameters include the usual plastic shader parameters (Ka, Ks, Kd, roughness and specularcolor).

Of course, there is a parameter for the texture file name. Since the vidi_texmap shader bypasses Presenter's automatic texture mapping functions, you must convert a PICT file to the ".tex" format before rendering. This can be done by using Presenter's built-in texture mapping system for one shot, then using the .tex file left after rendering. Or you can write a short RIB that contains the appropriate MakeTexture statements, and submit it to RenderApp to create the .tex file.

The s and t parameters (s1, t1, s2, t2, s3, t3, s4, t4) control the scale and orientation of the texture, and can be used for tiling purposes. In some cases, they can flip the texture vertically and horizontally. See the MacRenderMan release notes about texmap for details on usage of these parameters, which vary depending on the mapping method.

In addition to the standard texmap shader parameters, vidi_texmap includes three more parameters: scale_xyz, scale_s and scale_t. These are used to translate the shader coordinates back to the Presenter coordinate system. The default value for the scale parameters is 12, but it is appropriate to set other values depending on the mapping method. The example models included with the shader show some of the different scale settings.









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